* March 20, 2020 *
It is now Friday March 20, 2020 and feels like the right time for me to write my first blog entry in http://masterblogs.com (founded in 2005).
Headline news is about the coronavirus COVID-19, which was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020.
This will probably be the worst "bad event" in my current lifetime.
Detailed COVID-19 counts and graphs are available at
Added May 14, 2020 -
I recently came across two outstanding VBLOGS, both being travel guides:
which is also at
Fly Drive Explore at YouTube.com by Marcus & Mellissa
A LOCAL'S GUIDE TO NYC & THE WORLD at YouTube.com by Sarah Funk and Luis
ARTS (Movies, Music, Photography, Television,...) BLOGS (28)
BUSINESS (Finance, Jobs, Marketing, Real Estate...) BLOGS (26)
*** 1 NEW ***
COMPUTER (Hardware, Internet, Security, Software,...) BLOGS (13)
GAME (Board Games, Gambling, Video Games,...) BLOGS (18)
HEALTH (Alternative, Medicine, Pharmacy, Physical Fitness,...) BLOGS (29)
*** 7 NEW ***
HOME (Consumers, Cooking, Family, Real Estate,...) BLOGS (18)
*** 2 NEW ***
KID AND TEEN (Baby, Children's Books, Comics, School, Teen / Tween,...) BLOGS (13)
NEWS (Media, Newspapers, Weather,...) BLOGS (16)
RECREATION (Food, Humor, Outdoors, Pets, Travel,...) BLOGS (28)
*** 1 NEW ***
REFERENCE (Education, Library, Maps,...) BLOGS (12)
REGIONAL (Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East,...) BLOGS
(about or related to the region written in English)
*** 2 NEW ***
SCIENCE (Biology, Chemistry, Environment, Psychology, Physics,...) BLOGS (15)
*** 1 NEW ***
SHOPPING (Automobile, Clothing, Gifts,...) BLOGS (26)
*** 5 NEW ***
SOCIETY (Economics, People, Politics, Religion, Women Issues,...) BLOGS (56)
*** 4 NEW ***
SPORTS (Baseball, Basketball, Car Racing, Football,...) BLOGS (16)
FOREIGN (Deutsch, Español, Français,...) BLOGS (8)
This web site does NOT contain a list of the "best" blogs or weblogs, as many other individuals and groups have created.
Master Blogs finds it difficult to examine over ten million blogs and then, decide which are the best blogs.
Instead, MASTER BLOGS checks out blogs (found through various sources) and rates them
with letter grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D & F.
Only blogs with a grade of A- or higher (less than 7% of all blogs checked)
make the cut and are considered as "outstanding" blogs.
Two-thirds of the score is based on the content (should be juicy). Also, an outstanding blog must be active or
updated regularly, but does not have to be done daily (or even, weekly).
Bloggers are entitled to vacations, holidays, sick days and take off occasionally.
Also, it is better to have no entry rather than a lousy entry.
One-third of the score is based on the web design. The layout should be appealing. The colors should be eye-catching,
but not make the text difficult to read. There can be lots of arrows and links, but the navigation got to be
sensible and easy to use.
MASTER BLOGS uses one of the definitions for blog from
Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.5),
which is "a personal Web site that provides updated headlines
and news articles of other sites that are of interest to the user,
also may include journal entries, commentaries and recommendations compiled by the user;
also written web log, Weblog; also called blog".
If you have an outstanding blog and would like to recommend it to Master Blogs, please send an email to:
IMPORTANT: Be sure to include the characters "MB" in the SUBJECT.
Otherwise, the email will be treated as spam and deleted.